Sunday, November 28, 2010

Question 8: What are the impacts of globalization on the Net?

Internet globalization is fundamentally what the internet accomplished when the World Wide Web joint people from all over the world with information technology through computer networks. Globalization is global system that consisted by all religious, racial, societies, economic and culture. All people over the world have an advance technology which is global network to make communication, trade, and even refer to economic globalization. Globalization makes people connection that also can make people in trouble.

The positive impact of globalization on the net is that an interaction system. Interaction is systems that can directly affect one kind of particle has on another, in inducing the release or assimilation of one particle by another and make connection. Communication technology has revolutionized our information systems. International people can use internet to share their culture and language in online communication system such as facebook, twitter and blogspot. Therefore, the people in other country can gain the knowledge with the particular country culture and their life style.

Furthermore, internet globalization is free trade and open markets. Most businesses in America are small business. However with internet globalization of data, these small businesses can work on the same level with larger businesses. It is because internet globalization provides an equalizing feature with small businesses relationship to bigger businesses. It also puts them on the equal front position competing in the economy on a much larger scale. (Hubpages, 2010)

On the other hand, that also have negative impact of globalization on the net which is the percentage of the crime will increase. Internet is a global system that makes all the people interaction. However, when some bad people start to think something negative such as the way to steal, raping, and kill. They might teach their international friends how to steal people thing with easy way by record it as a video and share on internet. Foreign country might learn the way of steal and do the crime at other country that will impact the crime rate.

Besides the crime, people also can use some jargon or short form word in internet. It is because, users are using internet to express their feeling as short as possible like V (“we”), 4 (“for”) and LOL (“ laughing out loud”). When use the short form over the time that will set as their habit therefore that will impact of globalization use the jargon and short form while doing essay and writing report.

Moreover, the internet has made the distribution of pornography easier. It used to be that someone wanting to view pornography had to leave their home but now only a mouse click away. Children see pornography at a much younger age than just a decade ago. The average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old. Therefore, nowadays children’s thinking is more mature and open minded than previously children although in the same age. (Probe, 2006)

In nutshell, as internet intelligent users, that must be use it in right way therefore the negative impact will getting drop, users can make more friends interaction and gain more knowledge due to the global system-internet.

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