Sunday, November 28, 2010

Question 2: Should parents allow children under age of 12 to go on the Internet without adult supervisor? Discuss.

Internet is become more and more popular in this few years. Most of the children below 12 years old also start to be in touch with internet such as, online games, Facebook and etc. But it is internet suitable for those kids who are haven’t saneness? Nowadays internet becomes more universal in the world. Everywhere also got internet connection all around the world. This trend are also influence the children.

Having internet connection become a requisites of a family. But should parents allow children under age of 12 to go on the internet without adult supervisor also become a big question of social. The children who under age of 12, their thinking still haven’t mature. Internet is a platform that can let users get much information. Allow children to surf the internet without restrictions, where they can be targeted by dangerous adults or unsuitable websites.

Parents should not allow children under age of 12 to go on the internet without adult supervisor. Some kids with a knack for the technical (writing code or manipulating software) might fall in with the wrong group and start doing what they think is harmless of simply mischievous hacking or other activities that might put them at risk of violating the law. (Tough, 2010)

For the children, everything they will feel curious and exotically. Therefore, they are easily influence by the porn site advertisement. When their mind is not mature, this will be a very dangerous and terrible thing when they bring into contact with the pornography. Children are not mature enough to handle such material and distinguish between what they see in pornography and reality. Claude Rozier, the head of a study commissioned by the French government reported, “Hardcore porn has become the principal vehicle for quite young children’s understanding of everything to do with love and sexuality, sometimes their only point of reference.”

Children need to be protected from pornography on the Internet. Currently, pornographers may push their porn to anyone who uses a computer, and as a result, the Internet has become unsafe for children, families, and schools. Parents should be beside their children when children are access internet. Busy is not a good excuse, the future of the children are the most important. Parents should not give loose to the pornography to spoil the pure mind of kids.

If parents can’t always beside their children every time when the children using internet. Parents must educate their children about these risks. One of the most important things children need to understand is that they are not as anonymous as they would like to think they are when on the web. They can also easily trick a young person into thinking they are also a teenager. Your children need to know that if anyone makes them uncomfortable by pushing for more information or by making inappropriate comments that they should take down as much information about the user as possible for their parents to follow up on.

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